In the contemporary globalizing world cities increasingly find themselves in a competitive environment. The development of one settlement is often possible at the expense of the declination of another. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with current problems of the contemporary city and with basic strategies to solve them. Relevant case studies from practice will be used as part of the course teaching.
1. Introduction to the subject. City typology.
2. History of urban construction.
3. Contemporary city and its mail problems.
4. Brownfields 1
5. Brownfields 2 – case studies
6. Contemporary themes in Prague development
7. Suburbanization 1
8. Suburbanization 2 – case studies
9. Public spaces 1
10. Public spaces 2 – case studies
11. Adaptation of cities to climate change 1
12. Adaptation of cities to climate change 2 – case studies
13. Evaluation
Case studies – for selected lectures (5,8,10, and 12) each student prepares a case study, where he will briefly present the topic / problem discussed on an example from his/her surroundings.
Excursion and Case studies – for each processed and presented case study, the student gets up to 10 points.
Written exam - the test aims to examine the extent to which the student has mastered the lecture and will be compiled in a cross-sectional way from the lectured substance and recommended literature in the range of 25 closed questions. - see sample questions below. For each correct answer, the student earns 2 points.
In total can be obtained max. 100 points with the following distribution of results:
91-100 points - excellent (A)
81-90 points - very good (B)
71-80 points - good (C)
61-70 points - satisfactorily (D)
51-60 points - sufficiently (E)
50 or less points - insufficiently (F)
Sample questions
Large cities are cities with approx.:
a) 50,000 inhabitants
b) 100,000 inhabitants
c) 500,000 inhabitants
d) with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants
The agglomeration is:
a) a system of human settlements, including related equipment and networks, which connect them to
b) an intensively urbanized area, where intensive daily relations between residence, workplace and basic services are carried out,
c) the territory is defined on the basis of common characteristics (features or criteria)
A public space typical of a particular neighborhood or district where culturally social and commercial functions prevail is space:
a) local
b) district
c) quarterly
- Učitel: Šilhánková Vladimíra